Before You Begin
Viewing 3D Images
The FinePix REAL 3D V1 displays C photographs taken
with cameras such as the FinePix REAL 3D W1 (pg. 17). C
images are best viewed from a position directly in front of
the screen (or, if more than one person is present, slightly
to one side) at a distance of about 60 cm (2 ft.).
C Display
The FinePix REAL 3D V1 uses a parallax barrier consisting of a
series of slits placed over a pair of images with di erent par-
allax displayed in a series of alternating strips, allowing each
eye to see a di erent image and creating the illusion of depth
when the screen is viewed at the proper angle and distance. A
consequence of this is that the C e ect is only visible from
certain angles.
3 Caution: Using the FinePix REAL 3D V1
D display is recommended for young children (up to the age of about six) whose visual system
is still maturing and for individuals with notable di erences in vision between their two eyes, who
may nd it di cult or impossible to observe the C e ect. The C e ect is only visible from
certain angles and may not be visible at high magni cations. Should you experience fatigue or
discomfort while viewing C images, cease use immediately. A ten-minute break is recommend-
ed about once every half hour. Switch to D immediately if C images still appear double after
you have adjusted parallax. Individuals with a history of photosensitive epilepsy or heart disease
or who are unwell or su ering from fatigue, insomnia, or the e ects of alcohol should refrain from
viewing C images. Viewing C images while in motion may cause fatigue or discomfort.