Leica information service
The Leica information service can provide you with an answer to any
technical questions relating to the Leica range either in writing, on the
telephone or by e-mail.
Leica Camera AG
Postfach 1180
D-35599 Solms
Tel: +49 (0) 6442-208-111
Fax: +49 (0) 6442-208-339
e-mail: info@leica-camera.com
Leica Customer Service
Leica AG’s Customer Service center, or the repair service of the Leica
national offices, is available to assist you in maintaining your Leica
equipment or in case of damage. Please contact your nearest autho-
rized Leica dealer.
Leica Camera AG
Customer Service
Solmser Gewerbepark 8
D-35606 Solms
Tel: +49 (0) 6442-208-189
Fax: +49 (0) 6442-208-339
E-Mail: customer.service@leica-camera.com
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