4. Select the desired Camera from the list on the left. The current settings for the selected
Camera will be displayed in the table on the right.
5. Click Next to continue.
6. If the Administrator ID and Password have been set, you will be prompted to enter them,
as shown below. Enter the Administrator ID and Password set on the User screen.
Figure 6: Password Dialog
By default, the Administrator ID and password are blank.
However, you should assign a name and password, on the
"User" screen of the Web interface. The Web interface can be
accessed via the "Web UI" button on the final screen of the
7. On the following screen, shown below, choose Fixed IP or Dynamic IP.
• Fixed IP is recommended, and can always be used.
• Dynamic IP can only be used if your LAN has a DCHP Server.
Figure 7: Fixed or Dynamic IP Selection
8. Click Next to continue.
• If Dynamic IP Address was selected, you will then see the screen shown in Figure 9:
Camera Settings.
• If you selected Fixed IP Address, the following screen will be displayed.