Live view
Modes Live view photography (still images), movie live
view (movies)
Lens servo • Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); full-time
servo AF (AF-F)
• Manual focus (M)
AF-area mode Face-priority AF, wide-area AF, normal-area AF,
subject-tracking AF
Autofocus Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame (camera
selects focus point automatically when face-
priority AF or subject-tracking AF is selected)
Metering TTL exposure metering using main image
Metering method Matrix, center-weighted, or highlight-weighted
Frame size (pixels) and
frame rate
• 1920 × 1080; 60 p (progressive), 50 p, 30 p,
25 p, 24 p
• 1280 × 720; 60 p, 50 p
Actual frame rates for 60 p, 50 p, 30 p, 25 p, and
24 p are 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, and 23.976 fps
respectively; options support both ★high and
normal image quality
File format MOV
Video compression H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding
Audio recording format Linear PCM
Audio recording device Built-in or external stereo microphone;
sensitivity adjustable
Other options Index marking, time-lapse photography
Monitor 8-cm/3.2-in., approx. 1229 k-dot (VGA; 640 ×
RGBW × 480 = 1,228,800 dots), low-
temperature polysilicon tilting TFT LCD with
approx. 170 ° viewing angle, approx. 100%
frame coverage, and brightness and angle