Olympus D-535 Digital Camera User Manual

Macro mode shooting
Two kinds of macro shooting are available.
Macro shooting ( ) : Use when shooting subjects close to you
(W: 20 cm to 50 cm (0.7 ft. to 1.6 ft.)/T: 50
cm to 90 cm (1.6 ft. to 3.0 ft.)). Regular pho-
tographs can be taken, but the camera may
take time to focus on distant subjects.
Super macro shooting ( ): Use when shooting subjects as close as 2
cm/0.8". The position of the zoom is fixed
automatically and cannot be changed.
The correct focus cannot be obtained for
the normal shooting distance.
1 Press the power switch.
The camera turns on in the shooting
The lens extends and the monitor turns
The orange lamp lights.
Normal shooting With macro mode
Power switch
OK button
Arrow pad
Shutter button