Press the [DISPLAY] button to change display (-_46).
1 2 3
1 Playback Mode (-_118)
Protected picture (--_135)
Favorites (-_ 133)
Text stamped display (--_128)
2 Picture size (_95)
Quality (--*96)
3 Battery capacity (--_16)
4 Folder/File number (425, 44, 142)
Picture number/Total pictures (_44)
Motion picture recording time/
Elapsed playback time (_115)
Save destination (_16)
5 GPS _ (_84)
Histogram (--_46)
Recording information
6 Favorites settings (--_133)
7 Recorded date and time
Place name information _ (_84)
Destination s (--_92)
Name _ (-,65, 78)
Title _ (--_126)
8 Destination settings (_93)
@Travel elapsed days (--*90)
10 LCD Mode (--_23)
11 Color effect (--_104)
12 Quantity of pictures to print (--_134)
13 Motion pictures/Still picture with audio (--_115)
Cable disconnection warning icon (--_144)
The order of priority for display is location
name information, title, destination, name
([BABY[/[PET[), name ([FACE RECOG.]).
Screens shown here are only examples. The actual display may vary.
VQT2R20 153