Planet Technology ICA-500 Digital Camera User Manual

Figure 5.3.2. The Camera Tab
5.3.3. Scheduling
As shown in Figure 5.3.3, users can schedule recording tasks.
When you press the Add button, the editing task will be added to the schedule item
When the Modify button is pressed, the specified task will be updated.
If the Remove button is pressed, the specified task will be removed from the list.
The Apply button is unused for this tab.
Press OK button will save all settings on all tabs, and exit the form.
The following lists descriptions of each setting:
Hour: Set the hour of time in 24- hour manner. * stands for all hours.
Minute: Set the minute of time. * stands for all minutes.
Month: Set the month of date. * stands for all months.
Day: Set the day. * stands for all days.
Weekday: Set the weekday of a week. If no day is specified, all weekdays will fit.
Duration: The duration of the task. Set the value in seconds. Zero means no limit.
For example, set a recording task which begins at 10:00 every Monday with duration
3600 seconds. It is:
Hour = 10, Minute = 0, Month = *, Day = *, Weekday = Mon, Duration = 3600