98 © 2007 VBrick Systems, Inc.
c nt 6 xxx
To edit the IP Host Name. The
default is the Media Access Control
(MAC) address, a hardware address
that uniquely identifies each node of
a network.
The Host Name can be a maximum of
18 characters; the first character must
be a letter and the last character a
number. The middle characters can be
letters, numbers or hyphens.
c nt 2
To edit the IP address Where yy.yy.yy.yy is the new IP
c nt 3
To edit the Sub Net Mask Where zz.zz.zz.zz is the new subnet
mask associated with the Ethernet
c nt 4
To edit the IP Gateway address Where vv.vv.vv.vv is the IP address of
the IP gateway.
c nt 1
Displays the IP parameters
s ui m 1
Displays Board User Information. The User Information contains the
part number and Ethernet MAC
address of the VBrick.
c nt a
Apply the changes Must be issued prior to save.
To save the configuration Enter y (yes to save).
Command Description Entry