MPEG-2 Configuration
VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide 29
Configuration: Encoder > Audio
Models ending in other than -xxx0 may contain different types of audio hardware. The
difference can be identified by physical differences in the audio connectors or by the revision
number identified in Status: Encoder/Decoder Status – PLX EEProm Revision E. The
model identified as PLX EEProm Revision 1 has black plastic collars around the L/R audio
jacks. The model identified as PLX EEProm Revision 2 has metal screw-on collars. Where
features differ between the models, the differences are noted. For example, certain VBSSM
models do not support audio (see Table 1 VBSSM Models †
for details).
Video GOP Time The hours, minutes and seconds for the GOP time, the creation time
of the MPEG video stream. Can be set to one of three selections:
• Encoder Time (default)
•GMT Time
•Local Time
Note: Within the GOP header of the video stream is a Time Stamp, in
hours, minutes and seconds. If the receiving application uses this time
stamp, it is desirable to configure the encoder to insert a real time of
day in either local or GMT time. If no application is using this data,
the setting should be left at Encoder Time, which merely uses the
time elapsed since the encoder hardware was last reset.
Meta Data When Metadata is enabled a new field will appear on the screen
allowing the operator to insert metadata strings into the video as User
Data. The normal use of metadata is to allow accompanying
synchronized URL references to displayed in rich media applications.
The VBrick StreamPlayer has the capability of extracting the
metadata references and presenting them to an appropriate
application. Contact VBrick for details.
Meta Data String Shown if Meta Data is enabled. Maximum 58 characters. Click Insert
Now to insert the meta data string into the stream.