40 © 2007 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Passthrough State: Responder
Operational State Describes the current status of a Passthrough connection, including
error conditions, if any. Refer to the Network Status Section. This will
display "Active" if in Passthrough mode.
COM Interface
Describes the COM interface connector. (RS422/485 options are
displayed only if main board has a Part Number ending in xxx3. See
Status: User Information > Main Board.)
• RS232 – standard RS-232 serial port connector.
• RS422/485 – RS-422/485 4-wire serial port connector.
• RS422/485 (Terminated) – RS-422/485 terminated.
Baud Rate Rate can be set to the following (Default = 9600): 110, 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600,
Stop Bits Number of stop bits for Passthrough port (1 or 2).
Parity None, Even, Odd.
RTS Control Force Off, Force On or Automatic. If automatic, the control will be
on when Passthrough is active. DTR and RTS are available for COM2
only for those VBrick models whose last digit is 3 or higher. Under no
conditions are RTS or DTR controls passed through end-to-end. All
control handling is local.
DTR Control Force Off, Force On or Automatic. If automatic, the control will be
On when Passthrough is active. See note above.
Operational State Describes the current status of a Passthrough connection, including
error conditions, if any. Refer to the Network Status Section. This will
display "Active" if in Passthrough mode.