MPEG-2 Configuration
VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide 33
Configuration: Encoder > Announce (SAP)
Contains parameters used to change the SAP (Session Announcement Protocol)
advertisements. SAPs are advertisement packets that are transmitted by VBrick appliances to
other VBrick appliances and VBrick applications such as the Portal Server and
StreamPlayerPlus. They are used to identify streams present in the network.
Unicast Ping Feature for primary destination can be enabled, disabled. If the
VBrick is designated to transmit a transport stream to any
destination (whether another VBrick or not) in unicast mode, this
parameter is used to instruct the VBrick to ping the destination
periodically to test connectivity before sending the stream. If
Unicast Ping is not enabled, and the destination goes off-line, the
unicast stream may be broadcast to all destinations causing flooding
on the network. This scenario largely depends on network
architecture and may or may not occur. This feature should only be
disabled if the network has a particular requirement that makes it
Join Own Multicast Some network equipment requires that a multicast source (such as a
VBrick encoder) join its own multicast group. This feature is
enabled by default and has no adverse affect on equipment that is
fully multicast compliant.