Example Commands
Example commands and their output appear in the Courier type face. For example:
ProCurve(cong)# clear public-key
ProCurve(cong)# show ip client-public-key
show_client_public_key: cannot stat keyle
Port Numbering Conventions
ProCurve chassis switches designate individual ports with a letter/number combination to show the
slot in which the port is found and the sequential number the port has in that slot (A1, A2, B1, B2,
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1. Go to the ProCurve Networking Web site at www.procurve.com [http://www.procurve.com.]
2. Click on Support, and then Manuals.
3. Click on the name of the product for which you want documentation.
4. On the resulting Web page, double-click on a document you want to view or download.
To access the online help, type the command, followed by a space, then press the [Tab] key.
List Available Commands
Type “?” to list available commands. Typing the ? symbol lists the commands you can execute at
the current privilege level.
Use [Tab] to search for or complete a command word. You can use [Tab] to help you find CLI
commands or to quickly complete the current word in a command. To do so, type one or more
consecutive characters in a command and then press [Tab] (with no spaces allowed). Pressing [Tab]
after a completed command word lists the further options for that command.
Options Available in Current Context
You can use the CLI to remind you of the options available for a command by entering command
keywords followed by ?.
Displaying Command-List Help
Syntax: help
Displays a listing of command help summaries for all commands available at the current privilege
level. That is, at the Operator level, executing help displays the help summaries only for Operator-Level
commands. At the Manager level, executing help displays the help summaries for both the Operator
and Manager levels, and so on.
Displaying Help for an Individual Command
16© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
IntroductionCommand Line Interface Reference Guide