■ [no] igmp-proxy-domain DOMAIN-NAME IP-ADDR
Specify the igmp proxy border ip address.
Next Available Options:
■ mcast-low-ip -- Specify the igmp proxy multicast low bound (inclusive) ip address. (IP-ADDR)
(p. 197)
■ all -- Specify ALL if the multicast range is desired. (p. 196)
■ [no] igmp-proxy-domain DOMAIN-NAME
Specify the igmp proxy domain name to be added/deleted/updated.
Next Available Option:
■ border-ip -- Specify the igmp proxy border ip address. (IP-ADDR) (p. 197)
■ [no] igmp-proxy-domain DOMAIN-NAME IP-ADDR IP-ADDR IP-ADDR
Specify the igmp proxy multicast high bound (inclusive) ip address.
■ [no] igmp-proxy-domain DOMAIN-NAME IP-ADDR IP-ADDR
Specify the igmp proxy multicast low bound (inclusive) ip address.
Next Available Option:
■ mcast-high-ip -- Specify the igmp proxy multicast high bound (inclusive) ip address. (IP-ADDR)
(p. 197)
197© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
igmp-proxy-domainCommand Line Interface Reference Guide