Specify kilobits-per-second limit of allowed ICMP trafc (values should be at least
13Kbps, or max-length ICMP packets will fail.)
Range: < 0 to 10000000 >
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST rate-limit all in kbps < 0 to 10000000 >
Specify limit of allowed inbound or outbound trafc in kilobits-per-second on the
specied port(s). Actual limits are in steps of 100Kbps to 100Mbps (granularity is
1% of the lowest related media speed).
Range: < 0 to 10000000 >
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST rate-limit all out kbps < 0 to 10000000 >
Specify limit of allowed inbound or outbound trafc in kilobits-per-second on the
specied port(s). Actual limits are in steps of 100Kbps to 100Mbps (granularity is
1% of the lowest related media speed).
Range: < 0 to 10000000 >
■ [no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST lacp
Usage: [no] lacp [active|passive]
Description: Dene whether LACP is enabled on the port, and whether it is in
active or passive mode when enabled.
When LACP is enabled and active, the port will both send LACP
packets and listen to them.
When LACP is enabled and passive, the port will send LACP packets
only if it is spoken to.
When LACP is disabled, the port will ignore LACP packets.
If 'lacp' command is issued without a mode parameter, 'active' is
With 'no lacp' the mode parameter is not allowed.
This is an Interface context command. It can be called directly
from the interface context or follow the 'interface [ethernet]
PORT-LIST' command.
Next Available Option:
■ mode < Active | Passive > -- Define whether LACP is enabled on the port, and whether it is in
active or passive mode when enabled(p. 252)
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip pim-dense lan-prune-delay
Usage: [no] ip pim-dense lan-prune-delay
Description: Turn on/off the LAN Prune Delay Option on this interface.
Default is 'on'.
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip pim-sparse lan-prune-delay
Usage: [no] ip pim-sparse lan-prune-delay
Description: Turn on/off the LAN Prune Delay Option on this interface.
Default is 'on'.
247© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide