■ rapid-commit -- Obtain IPv6 address quickly from DHCPv6 server. (p. 271)
■ ipv6-addr -- Configure a link-local IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 245)
■ link-local -- Configure a link-local IPv6 address. (p. 248)
■ ipv6-addr/mask -- Configure IPv6 address represented in CIDR notation.
■ anycast -- Address that is assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to
different nodes (p. 221)
■ eui-64 -- An IPv6 EUI-64 address that can be automatically configured on any interface
(p. 232)
■ enable -- Enable IPv6 on an interface and configures an automatically generated link-local
addr. (p. 232)
■ mld -- Enable/disable/configure IPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) feature on a VLAN
(p. 251)
■ auto -- Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast traffic on the specified ports
(this is the default behavior) ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 225)
■ blocked -- Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 227)
■ fastleave -- Enables MLD fast-leaves on the specified ports in the selected VLAN
([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 233)
■ forcedfastleave -- Enables MLD Forced Fast-Leave on the specified ports in the selected
VLAN, even if they are cascaded ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 234)
■ forward -- Instruct the device to forward incoming multicast packets received on the
specified ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 234)
■ querier -- This command disables or re-enables the ability for the switch to become
querier if necessary (p. 269)
■ nd -- IPv6 nodes on the same link use Neighbor Discovery to discover each other's presence,
link-layer addresses, routers and to maintain reachability information about the paths to
active neighbors (p. 255)
■ ns-interval -- Configures the neighbor discovery time between neighbor solicitation
requests sent for an unresolved destination, or between duplicate address detection
neighbor solicitation requests (p. 256)
■ number < 1000 to 3600000 > -- Configures the neighbor discovery time between
neighbor solicitation requests sent for an unresolved destination, or between duplicate
address detection neighbor solicitation requests (p. 256)
■ reachable-time -- Configures the length of time neighbors are considered reachable after
being confirmed as reachable via the neighbor unreachability detection algorithm (p.
■ number < 1000 to 3600000 > -- Configures the router lifetime sent in router
advertisements (p. 256)
■ jumbo -- Labels this VLAN as a Jumbo VLAN, allowing you to pass packets up to 9220 bytes
in size (p. 246)
■ monitor -- Define either the VLAN is to be monitored or not (p. 252)
■ all < In | Out | Both > -- Monitor all traffic. (p. 219)
■ mirror -- Mirror destination. (p. 251)
■ mirror_session_name -- Mirror destination name. (p. 251)
■ monitor_mirror_session_id < 1 to 4 > -- Mirror destination number. (p. 254)
■ name -- Set the VLAN's name (ASCII-STR) (p. 254)
■ protocol -- Set a predefined protocol for the current VLAN. (p. 266)
■ protocol-group -- Enter a list of protocols for the current VLAN delimited by commas.
(ASCII-STR) (p. 267)
■ protocols < IPX | IPv4 | IPv6 | ... > -- Set a predefined protocol for the current VLAN. (p. 267)
■ qos -- Set VLAN-based priority (p. 268)
■ dscp -- Specify DSCP policy to use. (p. 231)
212© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide