server-address (p. 308)ip-addr (p. 302)broadcast-request (p. 296)
serverV6 (p. 308)IP-PORT (p. 303)burst-normal (p. 296)
source-binding (p. 308)IPV4-ADDR (p. 303)cipher (p. 296)
source-lockdown (p. 309)IPV4-MASK (p. 303)connection-rate-filter (p. 297)
source-route (p. 309)irdp (p. 303)default (p. 297)
ssh (p. 309)keystring (p. 303)default-gateway (p. 297)
standard (p. 310)load-sharing (p. 303)dhcp (p. 297)
start-seq-num (p. 310)load-sharing-value (p. 303)dhcp-bootp (p. 297)
timeout (p. 311)mac (p. 304)directed-broadcast (p. 298)
timep (p. 311)manual (p. 304)distance (p. 298)
trap (p. 311)multicast-routing (p. 304)dns (p. 298)
ttl (p. 312)name (p. 304)domain-name (p. 298)
udp-bcast-forward (p. 312)number (p. 305)echo (p. 299)
unreachable (p. 312)OutOfResources (p. 305)extended (p. 299)
vlan (p. 312)port (p. 305)fastleave (p. 299)
zero-broadcast (p. 312)portlist (p. 305)filetransfer (p. 299)
preserve (p. 305)forcedfastleave (p. 299)
priority (p. 305)forward (p. 300)
■ ip authorized-managers IP-ADDR access < Manager | Operator >
Dene an access level desired.
Supported Values:
■ Manager
■ Operator
■ [no] ip access-list
Usage: [no] ip access-list <extended|standard|conection-rate-lter> <ACL-ID>
<resequence> <ACL-ID> <start-seq-no> <increment>
Description: Enter the named-acl context for the specied access control
o <extended|standard|conection-rate-lter> <ACL-ID>
Enter the named-acl context for the specied access control
list. The ACL-ID is case sensitive and may be up to sixty-four
characters in length. If it includes spaces, the entire ACL-ID
must be enclosed in quotation marks.
o <resequence> <ACL-ID> <start-seq-no> <increment>
Renumber the entries in an Access Control List.
Start sequence number and increment can range between
1 - 2147483647.
Next Available Options:
■ extended -- Configure an extended Access Control List. (p. 299)
■ standard -- Configure a standard Access Control List. (p. 310)
■ resequence -- Renumber the entries in an Access Control List. (p. 307)
■ connection-rate-filter -- Configure a connection-rate-filter Access Control List. (p. 297)
293© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide