■ lldp fast-start-count < 1 to 10 >
Usage: lldp fast-start-count <1-10>
Description: Set MED fast-start count in seconds.
Range: < 1 to 10 >
■ lldp holdtime-multiplier < 2 to 10 >
Usage: lldp holdtime-multiplier <2-10>
Description: Set holdtime-multipler between <2-10>; the default is 4.
Range: < 2 to 10 >
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST ipAddrEnable
Set IP ADDR to be enabled.
Next Available Options:
■ lldp-ip -- Set IPV4 ADDR to be enabled. (IP-ADDR) (p. 357)
■ lldp-ipv6 -- Set IPV6 ADDR to be enabled. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 357)
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST ipAddrEnable IP-ADDR
Set IPV4 ADDR to be enabled.
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST ipAddrEnable IPV6-ADDR
Set IPV6 ADDR to be enabled.
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST medPortLocation
Congure location-id information to be advertised.
Next Available Options:
■ civic-addr -- Specify the civic location-id information to be advertised(p. 355)
■ elin-addr -- Specify the elin address location to be advertised. (p. 356)
■ [no] lldp config [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST medTlvEnable < capabilities | network_policy | location_id
| ... >
357© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
lldpCommand Line Interface Reference Guide