
Chapter 13 : Preferences 143
13 Preferences
14 3 B a c k u p
148 D at e & Ti me
148 D evice I nfo
151 E x h i b it io n
153 Reg ion al Set ti ngs
154 Screen & Lock
155 Sounds & Ringtones
Backup is one of the major advantages of your HP webOS Account. You
create an HP webOS Account when you set up your device.
What is an HP webOS Account?
When you create an HP webOS Account during setup of your device, you
gain access to the many advantages of having an HP webOS Account,
including automatic, daily backup of your data.
Your HP webOS Account gives you the following benefits:
HP webOS Account on your device: Your HP webOS Account is
automatically created for you on your device. In this account you can
store Contacts and Calendar info that you don’t store in online accounts
like Google or Exchange.
NOTE You cannot access the info in your HP webOS Account anywhere but on
your device. View, add to, and edit the info in your HP webOS Account on your
Automatic, daily backup to a secure server: Info stored in your HP webOS
Account is automatically, daily backed up to a secure server.
Your device backs up the contacts, calendar events, and memos that are
in your HP webOS Account, as well as system settings and applications
you downloaded to your device. If you ever need to erase the info from
your device, you can restore all your backed-up info. All data backed up
to your HP webOS Account is encrypted, and only you, the profile owner,
can access your data.
Backup does not affect information stored in online accounts like Google.
Information stored in online accounts is synchronized by the online
provider at regular intervals. Information stored in Exchange is
synchronized by your company’s Exchange server.
IMPORTANT Backup does not back up files stored on your device’s USB drive.
You can turn off automatic backup, and you can also perform a manual
Remote erase of a lost or stolen device: If your device is lost or stolen,
open the web browser on your computer, sign in to your HP webOS
Account on hpwebos.com/account, and do a remote erase of the info on
the device.