Chapter 13 : Preferences 147
Erase HP webOS Account information from the server
1 Open Backup .
2 Do either of the following:
• To stop backup of your info and delete all backed-up information
from the server: Tap On to switch backup from On to Off. Tap Turn
Off And Erase Backup. This deletes all your information on the
server. It does not affect the information on your device.
• To turn on automatic backup if you had previously turned it off:
Tap Off to switch Backup from Off to On.
Remotely erase HP webOS Account information from your
In the event that your device is lost or stolen, go to your HP webOS
Account on your computer and from there, erase the data on your device.
This does not affect the information stored in your online HP webOS
1 On your computer, go to hpwebos.com/account.
2 Sign in using your HP webOS Account email address and
3Click Device Info.
4Click I Lost My Phone > Erase Device.
Update your HP webOS Account settings
IMPORTANT To ensure that the data on your device is consistent with that
stored on your HP webOS Account, we recommend that you perform a manual
backup of your data both before and after you change any of your HP webOS
Account settings (see Manually back up information to your HP webOS
1 Open Accounts .
2 Tap your HP webOS Account name.
3 Enter your HP webOS Account password and tap Sign In.
4 Edit any of the following:
Name: Tap the current name. Enter a new first name and/or last
name associated with your HP webOS Account.
Email: Tap the current email address. Enter a new email address
associated with your HP webOS Account. A verification email is sent
to the new address. Click the link in the email to verify the new
address. After you verify, the email address is changed.
Password: Tap the current password (displayed as a series of *
characters). Enter your new password and confirm it. Tap Done.
Security Question/Answer: Tap the current question and tap a new
one. Then tap Answer and enter an answer.
5 To view information about a device associated with this account,
under Devices, tap the device. When you are finished viewing the
information, tap Done.
TIP Open Device Info to delete the information on your device (see Erase data
and reset your device).