192 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting
Secure Full Erase: Erases application data and settings, apps you
installed, and USB drive storage files. Select this option if you are
planning to give the device away, and you want your data and files to be
unrecoverable even using a third-party tool.
For more information, see Erase data and reset your device.
How do I get my data back after a full or partial erase?
After you perform one of the erase options, on your device, enter your
existing HP webOS Account email address and password—don’t create a
new one! When you do this, all data that has been backed up to your
profile—contacts, and calendar events, as well as apps you bought
through App Catalog—is restored to your device. To restore information
about your online accounts to your device, simply enter the password for
each account when prompted after the erase—synchronization begins
The Erase USB Drive option and the two full erase options delete
everything stored in your device’s USB drive (pictures, videos, music,
documents, PDF files, and so on). You need to have copies of those files
available elsewhere if you want to restore them to your device. For
example, you can save copies on your computer and then transfer them
back to your device (see Copy files between your device and your
I want to do a full erase, but the screen is cracked or doesn’t
respond to taps
If you can’t do a full erase using the screen, you can use a button
combination. Press and hold the power button + volume down +
Center for 10 seconds.
My bookmarks were restored, but the thumbnail icon is not
Web bookmarks are part of the data backed up to your HP webOS
Account. After a partial or full erase, a bookmark is restored with a
generic thumbnail icon. After you revisit the page for which you created
the bookmark, the thumbnail icon is restored.
System Updates
I dismissed a system update notification, and now I don’t
know how to get the update on my device
If you have a Wi-Fi network connection and the battery has at least a
30% charge, you can start the update yourself: Open System Updates
. Your device checks for the availability of the update, and if one is
available, tap Download Now. The download happens in the
background, so you can continue to use your device until the actual
installation takes over.
Your device continues to remind you to install the update after it has been
downloaded. You are also reminded that the device will install the update
automatically the next time you charge your device. An update
installation cannot begin unless you have at least a 30% charge on your
battery. If you tap Install Later, the update will automatically install the
next time the following conditions are true: the device is charging and
idle, and the battery has at least a 30% charge.
My device froze while I was downloading or installing a
system update
If this happens, you can use webOS Doctor to restore your device and
install the system update from your computer using the USB cable. On
your computer, go to hpwebos.com/support to download webOS Doctor.