Global View Station 1000 Standard Operations | en 15
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Operations Manual F.01U.173.867 | 2.0 | 2010.11
Aux 3: Illuminator Control
Aux3 ON or Call preset 53: photocell control mode
Aux3 OFF or Call preset 54: manual control mode
Default: manual control mode
When in photocell control mode, the illuminators will be completely controlled by the
photocell, and manual override using Aux7 and Aux8 will not be possible.
The photocell sensitivity adjustment can also be adjusted via a pot in the Auxiliary board (VR1
– see “Auxiliary Control Board” section for further details). Adjusting VR1 CCW will decrease
the lux switch point level; adjusting VR1 CW will increase the lux switch point level. Setting
VR1 to either maximum limit will NOT force the system to stay in day or night mode.
Note: If Aux3 is disengaged when the IR is ON, the IR will remain on until it is manually turned
Aux 4: Iris Control
Aux4 ON or Call preset 54: manual iris control mode
Aux4 OFF or Call preset 64: auto-iris control mode
Default: auto-iris control mode
When Aux4 is engaged, the lens iris can be manually controlled remotely with iris open / close
commands. Upon initialization, the iris will close and will require manual operation to open.
Aux 5: Lens IR Correction On/Off
Aux5 ON or Call preset 55: IR-corrected mode on
Aux5 OFF or Call preset 65: IR-corrected mode off
Default: IR-corrected mode off
The setting of the lens mode is crucial to ensure optimal performance of the GVS1000 system.
In day operation, the IR-corrected mode will not be needed. In dark environments where the
majority of light on scene is provided by the IR illuminators, the lens should be set to IR-
corrected mode. However, if sufficient ambient light is preset on scene to replace the IR light,
IR-corrected mode should be disabled. An incorrect lens setting could cause the system to not
allow for proper focusing.
Aux 6: Camera Color/Mono Mode
Aux6 ON or Call preset 56: camera monochrome mode
Aux6 OFF or Call preset 66: camera color mode
Default: color mode
Use color mode for daytime applications or when sufficient light is available to produce
acceptable images. In low light scenarios, or when IR illumination is used, monochrome mode
should solely be used. Monochrome mode will allow for optimal light sensitivity.