Global View Station 1000 Troubleshooting | en 23
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Operations Manual F.01U.173.867 | 2.0 | 2010.11
5.2 Troubleshooting with Diagnostic Mode
In the auxiliary control board, change DIP1, Switch 6 to ON. The GVS1000 diagnostics mode is
now active. The GVS1000 will cycle through all its auxiliaries and activating the appropriate
LEDs corresponding to the auxiliaries. Then, the diagnostics will cycle through motor
Observe the functionality of the GVS1000 during the self-test. The activation of auxiliaries
corresponds with the appropriate LED turning on (see Section 6.2 Auxiliary Control Board,
page 29 and Section 6.3 Auxiliary Controls, page 31). If the behavior of the auxiliary turning on
deviates from the descriptions in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 then contact a Bosch service center.
With the illuminators turned
on, no change in image
brightness is observed
The brightness of the IR illuminators cannot be observed when the scene is
already illuminated with significant amounts of visible light.
Check that the illuminators are on. When the illuminators turn on, there is a
visible red glow at the illuminators. The ZX700 illuminators have more of a red
glow when compared to the SLED illuminators. Do no look directly into the
illuminators to check for the red glow. The red glow can be observed by looking at
the illuminators from an angle.
Check that the illuminators are properly aligned. See the installation manual for
the IR illuminator alignment procedure.
Check that the lens IR filter is on (Aux 5 on) and that the camera is in night mode
(Aux 6 on). Both settings are required for IR sensitivity.
An auxiliary does not respond
to control input
When the auxiliaries do not respond to control input either the control boards are
not receiving communication or the auxiliary is malfunctioning. If the control
boards are not receiving communication, then:
– Check that the address on the controlling device matches the address of the
– Check that the auxiliary control board is receiving valid protocol. The green
LED (LED 10) is blinking when valid communication is received by the
auxiliary control board.
If an auxiliary is malfunctioning, then turn on the board diagnostics mode (refer to
Section 5.2 Troubleshooting with Diagnostic Mode, page 23).
The system address or
communication protocol does
not take effect when changed
When the system address or communication protocol is changed, it is
recommended to power cycle the unit (or make the changes when power is off).
Instead of a power cycle, the reset switches can be pressed on the auxiliary and
camera control boards and, the green terminal blocks on the code translator can
be taken off and put back on again.