22 en | Troubleshooting Global View Station 1000
F.01U.173.867 | 2.0 | 2010.11 Operations Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
5 Troubleshooting
5.1 General
Symptom Possible Solution
No Pan/Tilt movement when
using a keyboard to control the
Check that the main power is on. Main power is on when the Power LED located
on the power supply case is on. If main power is off, then check the main power
connection and the two fuses located in the power supply unit.
Check that the address on the controlling device matches the address of the
If the Error LED on the code translator (in the power supply) is on, then the
protocol reaching the box is corrupt. Check the Tx/Rx lines for continuity. Check
that the GVS1000 controlling device is outputting valid protocol.
Check that the auxiliary control board is receiving valid protocol. The green LED
(LED 10) is blinking when valid communication is received by the auxiliary control
Use the diagnostics mode on the auxiliary control board to test motor movement.
(refer to Section 5.2 Troubleshooting with Diagnostic Mode, page 23).
No Pan/Tilt movement when
using the PTCR20 software
Check that the green terminal blocks are disconnected from the code translator
(in the power supply unit).
Check the correct COM port and baud rate (9600bps) is selected in the software.
The COM port on the computer used to communicate with the GVS1000 is
computer dependent.
The Pan/Tilt motor drifts when
trying to control the GVS1000
The Pan/Tilt motor drifts when the communication lines are incorrectly
terminated. The termination for the auxiliary control board is set through jumper
JP6. The termination for the camera board is set through jumper JP3. Toggle the
termination on the camera control board first to solve the drifting problem. If the
problem persists, the auxiliary control board termination can be toggled as well
to solve the issue.
No image Check that the main power is on. Main power is on when the Power LED located
on the power supply case is on. If main power is not on, then check the main
power connection and the two fuses located in the power supply unit.
Check that the video connection is contiguous.
Check that auxiliary 4 is off. When auxiliary 4 is turned on (manual iris control)
the iris will close completely (for protection purposes). When the iris is
completely closed, no image will appear on screen.
Fuzzy image Verify that the housing front glass is clean. The GVS1000 is equipped with a wiper
(controlled through Aux 2).
The image may be out of focus. Focus the image using the controlling device.
The lens IR filter (Aux 5) setting could be used incorrectly. When the scene
consists of predominantly visible light, leave the lens IR filter off (auxiliary 5 off).
When the scene consists of predominantly IR light, turn on the lens IR filter (Aux 5
Zoom/Focus stalls when using
Presets should not be set with maximum/minimum zoom or maximum near/far
focus. Manual override with a controlling device will resume the GVS1000 to
normal operation.