List of Log Messages
A101 Invalid user name [notice]
A102 Invalid password [notice]
A111 Invalid host [notice]
A160 Recovery of pan/tilt subsystem [notice]
A201 Registered panorama image error [warning]
A250 Control error during camera initialization [warning]
A260 Slipped pan/tilt position [warning]
Description user <User name> not found (A101)
Meaning The camera was accessed by an unauthorized user.
Description user <User name> password mismatch (A102)
Meaning The password is invalid.
Description host <IP address> access denied (A111)
Meaning The camera was accessed from a host from which access is prohibited.
Description <pan | tilt> recovered (A160)
Meaning The pan/tilt sub-system that had stopped functioning has recovered.
Remarks See A460.
Description corrupt panorama image - ignored (A201)
Meaning The panorama image is invalid.
Recapture a panorama image and register it again.
Remarks A file may have been registered while still open.
Description Camera control timeout - < Camera command> (A250)
An initialization error occurred due to a command timeout (upright
position/on ceiling, initialization of camera platform, dome).
If the problem persists after rebooting the camera, the camera is faulty.
Description <Pan/tilt slipped> - c=< Error code> (A260)
Meaning The pan/tilt position has slipped.