Setting the Image Server, Audio Server and HTTP Server (Server)
Detailed Settings
HTTP Server
(1) [HTTP Port]
Set the HTTP port number in a range of 80 and 1024 to 65535.
Normally "80" (factory setting) should be used.
(2) [Global Address for the Web Page]
If a fixed global address is assigned to the camera using the NAT function of the router ( P.
4-12), set the global address and port number here. If [IP Address] is selected, enter the
specified IP address in the [IP Address] field. If [Host Name] is selected, the host name
specified in [DNS] under [Network] will be used. Set the necessary items under [DNS] ( P.
z If the setting of [HTTP Port] is changed, the camera may no longer become accessible
from the active browser. Check beforehand the precautions explained in "Notes" in "Setting
the Items Requiring Rebooting (Reboot Item)" ( P. 1-49).
z If [IP Address] is selected under [Global Address for the Web Page], be sure to set both [IP
Address (global address for the web page)] and [Port Number (global address for the web
page)]. If [Host Name] is selected, also be sure to set [Host Name] under [DNS] on the
[Network] setting page.