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shooting date.
• A maximum of 998 images can be selected per CFcard.
• When [Both] is selected, the number of print copies can be
set, but it applies to Standard prints only. The Index setting
only produces one print copy.
• Print settings can also be assigned to images with the
bundled software on a computer.
Setting the Print Style
Set the print style after selecting the image to print.
The following print settings can be selected.
[] Standard Printsone imageperpage.
Print Type [] Index Printsthe selectedimagestogetherat a
reducedsizeinan indexformat.
[] [] Both Printsthe imagesinboth the standardand
[] Date Addsthe date to the print.
[] File No. Addsthe file numberto the print.
• SeePrint Menu Setdngs (p. 100).
play the Print Order
| Menu. • Usethe _ or (D button to select [Setup].