Chapter 2: Taking pictures and recording video clips 23
Chapter 2:
Taking pictures and
recording video clips
Taking still pictures
You can take a picture almost any time the camera is on,
regardless of what is being shown on the Image Display. For
example, if a menu is currently displayed when you press the
Shutter button, the menu will be canceled, and the camera will
take a picture.
To take a still picture:
1 Frame the subject for your
picture in the viewfinder (see
page 28).
2 Hold the camera steady and
press the Shutter button
halfway down. The camera
measures and then locks the
focus and exposure.
3 Press the Shutter button all the way down to take the
picture. You will hear a shutter click when the camera takes
the picture.
After the picture is taken, the image is displayed for several
seconds in Instant Review on the Image Display. You can
delete the image during Instant Review by pressing the
OK button. You can use Playback to review the pictures you
have taken. See Using playback on page 46.