Contents on Provided CD-ROM
The CD-ROM supplied with the DVD video camera/recorder contains the following folders:
camera/recorder unless some special instruction is given.
Contains the installer for DVD-MovieAlbumSE (see page 139 for
You can use DVD-MovieAlbumSE to edit the images recorded on
DVD-RAM disc and create a 3D title.
Contains the installer for MyDVD (see page 141 for installation).
You can use MyDVD to create a DVD-Video disc from movies
edited on DVD-MovieAlbumSE.
Contains the installer for UDF driver (see page 137 for installation).
Install this driver if you wish to use JPEG stills recorded on DVD-
RAM disc, on your PC.
Contains the installer for USB2.0 driver (see page 135 for
Install this driver when using the provided PC connection cable to
connect this DVD video camera/recorder to PC: If the USB terminal
of your PC is USB1.1, use this driver.
Contains the installer for Acrobat Reader.
I f A c ro b at R e ad e r i s no t in s t al l ed i n yo u r P C , y o u w i l l n e e d t o in s ta l l
it in order to open the on-line manuals (instruction manual files) for
DVD-MovieAlbumSE and UDF driver.