Olympus E-3 Digital Camera User Manual

Record mode, white balance, and picture mode
Setting display
When subjects that are not white appear white:
j In the auto WB setting, if there is no near-white color in the image framed in the screen, the white
balance will not be correctly determined. In such a case, try preset WB or one-touch WB settings.
White balance sensor
This camera has a white balance sensor for determining
the light source in the shooting environment. The white
balance sensor measures and calculates the infrared and
visible light, and determines whether the light source is
sunlight, fluorescent lighting, floodlighting, a blue flat lamp,
or other lighting. When shooting, be careful not to cover or
shade the sensor.
WB compensation
This function lets you make fine changes to the auto WB and preset WB settings.
Use the sub dial to set in the A direction or the main dial to set in the G direction.
Select the white balance to adjust and press d.
: 5
: 2
: 3
: 1
: >
: >
: >
: #
: V
: V
: V
: V
Control panel
Direct button WB + Fk: adjust in A direction/
j: adjust in G direction
Super control panel ip: [>]
Menu MENU[W][WB]
Color temperature
WB mode
During custom white balance, the
color temperature is displayed.
White balance sensor
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