Olympus C-50 Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 3
How to press the shutter button
Point the camera towards the subject.
Place the AF target mark on the subject.
Press the shutter button slowly and gently
When the focus and exposure (brightness)
are locked, the green lamp next to the
viewfinder lights steadily.
Press the shutter button all the way (fully).
Shooting starts and the card access lamp
mode: The camera starts recording a
movie and the orange lamp lights.
AF target
Green lamp
Card access lamp
Shutter button
Orange lamp
When you place the AF target mark on a subject and press the shutter button
halfway, the green lamp lights up. This means that focusing has been
performed automatically.
If the green lamp blinks, focusing is not correct. If this happens, use Focus
lock (P. 37).
When you are too close to a subject, the green lamp blinks. If this happens,
try macro mode shooting (P. 55).
Auto focus
Half press
Full press