Olympus C-50 Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 5
Record mode
The number of pixels (vertical x horizontal) used when saving an image.
If the image will be printed, higher resolutions (larger numbers) are
recommended so that the image will be clearer. However, higher
resolutions make the file size (amount of data) larger, so less pictures
can be saved to a card.
Resolution and picture size on a computer screen:
When a picture is transferred to a computer, the size of the picture on the
computer screen varies depending on the computer's monitor setting. For
instance, a picture taken in 640x480 resolution is the same size as the
screen if you set the picture to 1x when the monitor setting is 640x480.
However, if the monitor setting is over 640x480 (such as 1024x768), the
picture only takes up part of the screen.
Compression rate:
In record modes other than TIFF, image data is compressed. The higher
the compression rate, the less clear the image will be.
File format (P. 71):
This camera saves images with either TIFF or JPEG formats. In record
modes other than TIFF, images are compressed in the JPEG format.
The compression rate also varies in each mode (movies: QuickTime
Motion JPEG (mov)).
The number of storable still pictures and the number of possible recording
seconds differ depending on the record mode, the card’s memory size and
whether or not Print reserve is applied to the card.
The number of storable pictures may not be reduced every time a picture is
taken, or increased when a picture is erased. The amount of data varies
depending on the subject of the image.