Flash On b ....................... 82
Flash On + Red-eye d ...... 82
Flash output ....................... 98
Flower Mode ...................... 69
Fluorescent Light J .......... 94
Fn Setting ........................ 105
Focus Assist Light ............. 90
Focus Mode ....................... 86
Focusing ............................ 86
Focusing Area ................... 89
Folder display .................. 121
Folder Name .................... 169
Food Mode ........................ 69
Format ............................. 162
Four-image display f ..... 120
Four-way controller ...... 45, 47
Frame Composite Mode .... 72
Frame rate ....................... 114
Good (Quality level) ........... 93
Green button ....... 45, 47, 105
Green Mode .............. 62, 105
Guide display ................... 178
Guide indications ............... 27
Handheld Night Snap Mode
.......................................... 68
HDMI ............................... 174
HDMI terminal ................. 136
HDR Filter ........................ 145
HDR Filter Mode ................ 69
High Contrast Filter ......... 142
High Speed Movie ........... 113
Highlight Correction ........... 98
Histogram .......................... 27
Hometown ....................... 166
Image storage capacity ... 212
Image Tone ........................90
Infinity s ............................86
Info Display ........................23
Initial settings .....................38
Installing the batteries ........30
Installing the Software .....187
Instant Review ...........60, 102
Intelligent Zoom .................64
ISO Sensitivity ...................96
Kids Mode ..........................69
Landscape Mode ...............68
Language setting .......38, 169
Lens cap ............................29
a (Manual Exposure) Mode
Macintosh ........................187
Macro q .............................86
Magnify y .......................127
Manual K ..........................94
Manual Focus \ .............87
MediaImpression .............186
Memory ............................116
3 button ........45, 47, 49
Menu list ............................52
Miniature Filter .................142
Mode dial ...........................68
Monochrome ......................90
Movie ...............................110
Movie button ..............45, 111
Movie Edit ........................153
Movie menu ...............54, 206
Movie SR (Movie Shake
Reduction) Function .........114
MSC .................................183
Multi-Image Display .........120