Configuring IP
This display shows the following information.
Table 6.10: Web Display of IP Interface Information
This Field... Displays...
Port # The physical port number or virtual interface (VE) number. VEs are
shown as “v<num>”, where <num> is the number you assigned to the
VE when you configured it. For example, VE 1 is shown as “v1”.
If a range of ports is listed in this field, the interface is a trunk group. If
two ranges of ports are listed, the interface is a trunk group that spans
multiple chassis modules.
Encapsulation The frame type used to encapsulate packets on this interface. The
frame type is always Ethernet II.
MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), which specifies the
maximum packet size for packets sent and received on this interface.
Metric The cost associated with this interface.
Directed Broadcast Forward The state of the directed broadcast forwarding feature. The state can
be one of the following:
• Disable
• Enable
To change the state of this feature, see “Enabling Forwarding of
Directed Broadcasts” on page 6-32.
Displaying ARP Entries
You can display the ARP cache and the static ARP table. The ARP cache contains entries for devices attached to
the routing switch. The static ARP table contains the user-configured ARP entries. An entry in the static ARP table
enters the ARP cache when the entry’s interface comes up.
The tables require separate display commands or Web management options.
Displaying the ARP Cache
To display the ARP cache, use one of the following methods.
To display the contents of the ARP cache, enter the following command at any CLI level:
HP9300# show arp
Total number of ARP entries: 5
IP Address MAC Address Type Age Port
1 0800.5afc.ea21 Dynamic 0 6
2 00a0.24d2.04ed Dynamic 3 6
3 00a0.24ab.cd2b Dynamic 0 6
4 0800.207c.a7fa Dynamic 0 6
5 00c0.2638.ac9c Dynamic 0 6
Syntax: show arp [ethernet <portnum> | mac-address <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> [<mask>] | <ip-addr> [<ip-mask>]]
The ethernet <portnum> parameter lets you restrict the display to entries for a specific port.
The mac-address <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> parameter lets you restrict the display to entries for a specific MAC address.
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