
NAT/NAPT configuration task list 136
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 11 • NAT/NAPT configuration
it should create and which IP addresses/ports it must modify (e.g. for voice connections in addition to signal-
ing connections). It performs this task for the protocol FTP. Other protocols such as H.323 and SIP cannot
traverse the SmartWare NAPT.
NAT/NAPT configuration task list
To configure the NAT/NAPT component, perform the tasks in the following sections:
Creating a NAPT profile (see page 136)
Activating NAT/NAPT (see page 136)
Displaying NAT/NAPT configuration information (see page 139)
Creating a NAPT profile
A NAPT profile defines the behavior of the NAT/NAPT component, comprising all four types of NAT/NAPT
(this profile is called ‘NAPT profile’ and not ‘NAT/NAPT profile for historical reasons). Several NAPT profiles
are admissible but there is only one NAT/NAPT component.
Procedure: To create a NAPT profile and to configure the required types of NAT/NAPT
Mode: Configure
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#profile napt name Creates the NAPT profile name and activates the
basic behavior of the Dynamic NAPT
node(pf-napt)[name]#range local-
ip-range-start local-ip-range-stop
Configures and activates the enhanced behavior of
the Dynamic NAPT: local-ip-range-start and local-ip-
range-stop define the subset of local hosts that use
the global NAT address global-ip to access to global
(max. 20 entries)
The IP ranges of different Dynamic NAPT entries must
not overlap each other.
{ udp | tcp } local-ip local-port
[global-ip] [global-port]
Creates a Static NAPT entry: local-ip/local-port is
mapped to global-ip/global-port. If global-port is
omitted, local-port is used on both sides. If global-ip
is omitted, the global address is the address of the
global interface.
(max. 20 UDP and 20 TCP entries)
node(pf-napt)[name]#range local-
ip-range-start local-ip-range-stop
global-ip-start global-ip-stop
Configures and activates the Dynamic NAT: local-ip-
range-start and local-ip-range-stop define the subset
of local hosts that use an address from the global
NAT address pool to access to global network. glo-
bal-ip-start and global-ip -stop define the global NAT
address pool.
(max. 20 entries)
The IP ranges of different Dynamic NAT entries must
not overlap each other.