Call router configuration task list 479
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
• default: Any other unhandled case
Mode: context cs
Both the redirecting-number and the redirect-reason can also be used in any call-router mapping tables.
Time of day routing table
The time table is used to route calls based upon the current system time during one day, i.e. an 24hr. period
from midnight to midnight. Times are matched within the ranges defined in the time routing table.
The key parameter of the routing table entry has the format: hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss
The full range must be specified. The range must not cross a day boundary at midnight.
Example: Time of day routing table
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table time WORKDAY
node(rt-tab)[WORKDAY]#route 08:00:00-16:59:59 dest-table TAB-BEST-QUAL
node(rt-tab)[WORKDAY]#route 17:00:00-20:59:59 dest-interface IF-VOIP-A
node(rt-tab)[WORKDAY]#route 21:00:00-23:59:59 dest-interface IF-VOIP-B
node(rt-tab)[WORKDAY]#route 00:00:00-07:59:59 dest-interface IF-VOIP-B
Day of Week Routing Table
The day-of-week table is used to route calls according to the day of the week. The days are defined by the long
lowercase names monday; tuesday; wednesday; thursday; friday; saturday; and sunday. To configure weekday
routing table entries use the following commands starting in the CS context configuration mode.
Example: Day of week routing table
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table day-of-week TAB-DAY
node(rt-tab)[TAB-DAY]#route saturday dest-table TAB-LEAST-COST
node(rt-tab)[TAB-DAY]#route sunday dest-table TAB-LEAST-COST
node(rt-tab)[TAB-DAY]#route default dest-interface IF-VOIP
Date routing table
The date table is used to route calls according to the current system date. It can be used, for example, to repre-
sent holidays in the routing decision tree. The table matches exact dates or date ranges.
The key parameter of the routing table entry has the format: dd:mm:yyyy-dd:mm:yyyy
The full range must be specified.
Example: Date routing table
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table day-of-week HOLIDAY2001
node(rt-tab)[HOLIDAY~]#route 01.01.2001-02.01.2001 dest-table TAB-HOL
node(rt-tab)[HOLIDAY~]#route 05.01.2001-05.01.2001 dest-table TAB-HOL
node(rt-tab)[HOLIDAY~]#route 24.12.2001-31.12.2001 dest-table TAB-HOL
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (ctx-cs)[router]# routing-table
calling-redir-reason <table-name>
Creates a redirect reason routing table.