Call router configuration task list 516
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
node(rt-tab)[TEST]#route default dest-interface IF5
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#no shutdown
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#debug call-router detail 5
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#test call-router TEST called-e164 123
Time: 2004-03-02T16:55:33<-- Time of the lookup
Result: route-found-place-call<-- Lookup result
Destination: IF2<-- Dest. Interface
Timeout: 0<-- Digit-Coll. TO
Property Containers
E164-Number: 123 (String)<-- CdPN after lookup/change
16:55:33 CR > [switch] Routing-Lookup:
16:55:33 CR > Find best-matching called-element in table test
16:55:33 CR > 01: Prefix Timeout Expression: E164-Number of 123 completely
(no timeout) matches 1
16:55:33 CR > 02: Prefix Timeout Expression: E164-Number of 123 completely
(no timeout) matches 1[0-4]
16:55:33 CR > 03: Prefix Timeout Expression: E164-Number of 123 does not
match 11
16:55:33 CR > 04: Prefix Timeout Expression: E164-Number of 123 does not
match 111
16:55:33 CR > Selecting entry 2
16:55:33 CR > Execute all elements in table IF2
16:55:33 CR > Execute all elements in table route-found-place-call
16:55:33 CR > Lookup result: Route found; place call (timeout=0)