Location Service configuration task list 616
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 51 • Location Service
Call outbound face
The call outbound face is used to configure call properties for outgoing calls.
Mode: Identity
Mode: Call outbound
Mode: Call outbound
Mode: Call outbound
Mode: Call outbound
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](identity)[name]# [no] call out-
Adds a new face to the identity. The no form of the
command removes an existing face with all content
in it.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](callout)[name]# [no] use profile
(sip|tone-set|voip) <profile>
Adds or removes a profile to use if an outgoing
call destines this identity
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](callout)[name]# [no] preferred-
transport-protocol (tcp|udp)
Selects which protocol to prefer if an outgoing call
destines this identity.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](callout)[name]# [no] traffic-class
Selects which traffic class to set if an outgoing call
destines this identity.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](callout)#proxy <host> [<port>]
[node](callout)#proxy <index> <host>
[<port>] [strict-route]
[node](callout)#proxy before <index>
<host> [<port>] [strict-route]
[node](callout)#proxy after <index> <host>
[<port>] [strict-route]
Adds a new proxy entry to the call outbound face.
If the from-uri of a call originating from us matches
the identity for each proxy configured there is a
route-header added. If more than one proxy entry
has to be entered, the order of the list can be mod-
ified by using the index and/or the insert key-
words before and after.