SNTP client configuration task list 286
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 26 • SNTP client configuration
Enabling and disabling the SNTP client
The SNTP client is disabled by default and has to be enabled if clock synchronization shall be used. This pro-
cedure describes how to enable or disable the SNTP client
Mode: Configure
Example: Enabling the SNTP client operation
Example: Disabling the SNTP client operation
node(cfg)#no sntp-client
Defining SNTP client poll interval
Specifies the seconds between each SNTP client request in unicast or anycast mode.
This SNTP client poll interval can be defined to be within the range from 1 to 4’294’967’295. The default
value is 60 seconds.
This procedure describes how to set the SNTP client poll interval
Mode: Configure
Example: Setting the SNTP client poll interval
In the following example the SNTP client poll interval is set to 30 seconds.
node(cfg)#sntp-client poll-interval 30
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#[no] sntp-client Enables the SNTP client operation. Using the no command syntax dis-
ables this feature.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg)#sntp-client poll-interval value Sets the SNTP client poll interval to value seconds