Access control list configuration task list 263
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 24 • Access control list configuration
Binding and unbinding an access control list profile to an IP interface
The command use is used to bind an access control list profile to an IP interface. This procedure describes how
to bind an access control list profile to incoming packets on an IP interface
Mode: Profile access control list
Where the syntax is:
no form of the use command is used to unbind an access control list profile from an interface. When
using this form the name of an access control list profile, represented by the name argument above, is not
required. This procedure describes how to unbind an access control list profile to incoming packets on an IP
Mode: Interface
Where the syntax is:
Thus for each IP interface only one incoming and outgoing access control list can be active at the same time.
Example: Bind and unbind an access control list entries to an IP interface
Bind an access control list profile to incoming packets on the interface wan in the IP router context.
node(cfg)#context ip router
node(cfg-ip)[router]#interface wan
node(cfg-if)[wan]#use profile acl WanRx in
Step Command Purpose
1 node(if-ip)[if-name]#use profile acl name in Binds access control list profile name to incom-
ing packets on IP interface if-name
Keyword Meaning
if-name The name of the IP interface to which an access control list profile gets bound
name The name of an access control list profile that has already been created using the profile acl
command. This argument must be omitted in the no form
in Specifies that the access control list profile applies to incoming packets on this interface.
out Specifies that the access control list applies to outgoing packets on this interface.
Step Command Purpose
1 node(if-ip)[if-name]#no use profile acl in Unbinds access control list profile for incoming pack-
ets on IP interface if-name
Keyword Meaning
if-name The name of the IP interface to which an access control list profile gets bound
in Specifies that the access control list profile applies to incoming packets on this interface.
out Specifies that the access control list applies to outgoing packets on this interface.