Creating/Deleting a RBS interface 429
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 37 • RBS interface configuration
Mode: Interface RBS
Configuring number of Rings before Off-Hook
The Loop Start and the Ground Start protocol on the subscriber side identifying an incoming call by detecting
the Ring-Signal sent by the exchange side. This command specifies the number of ring cycles before the sub-
scriber side is going Off-Hook and answers the call.
Mode: Interface RBS
Configuring ready to dial strategy
If on the Loop Start or Ground Start protocol the subscriber side originates a call, there is no protocol specifi-
cation for the exchanges side to signal readiness for accepting the called party number. Even the E&M Imme-
diate Start protocol is symmetric, the terminating side is also unable to do that. This command specifies for
these protocols the strategy they must apply to determine the right moment for sending the called party num-
• Dialtone: The originating side sends the called party number as soon as it detects the dial tone.
• Timeout: The originating side sends the called party number after a timeout that starts at the Off-Hook
Mode: Interface RBS
RBS interface debugging
For the investigation of possible call signaling or interoperability problems, there exists a debug command with
the options ‘datapath’, ‘error’ and ‘signaling’. In addition exists a ‘show’ command that outputs information
about the current interface configuration and about the states of the protocol endpoints.
Mode: Operator execution
Step Command Purpose
node(if-rbs)[if-name]#[no] disconnect-sig-
nal {busy-tone}
Enables/Disables the busy/release-tone as addi-
tional disconnect signal.
Default: Enabled
Step Command Purpose
node(if-rbs)[if-name]#ring-number value Defines the number of ring cycles before the sub-
scriber side answers the call.
Default: 1
Step Command Purpose
node(if-rbs)[if-name]#[no] dial-after {dial-
tone | timeout seconds}
Defines the ready to dial strategy.
Default: dialtone
Step Command Purpose
node#[no] debug ccrbs {datapath | error
| signaling}
Enables/Disables different RBS interface monitors.