Call router configuration task list 476
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 40 • Call router configuration
Note Incoming ISDN calls set the presentation indicator according to the received
ISDN Setup message. Incoming H.323 calls only set the presentation indi-
cator transparently when Octet3a handling is enabled. Other interfaces set
the presentation indicator to allowed.
The call router can route calls according to the following presentation indicators. These values beside default
can be used for the key parameter to create a routing table entry:
• allowed—Presentation of the calling party number is allowed. This is the default value for calls that arrive
through an interface that does not support presentation indicators.
• restricted—Presentation of the calling party number is restricted.
• interworking—The calling party number is not available due to interworking.
Note At the originating user-network interface, the presentation indicator is used
for indicating the intention of the calling user for the presentation of the
calling party number to the called user. You possibly want to remove the call-
ing party number when the user set the presentation indicator to restricted.
To achieve this, route restricted calls to a mapping table that sets the calling-
e164 to the empty string (“”) as it is shown in the example below.
Example: Presentation indicator routing table
This example uses a pseudo routing table that just forwards all calls to the interface IF-OUT but first executes
the mapping table NO-CNPN. This mapping table examines the presentation indicator and modifies the call-
ing party number. If the presentation indicator is restricted, the calling party number is cleared. For all other
presentation indicator values, the calling party number is not modified.
node(cfg)#context cs
node(ctx-cs)[switch]#routing-table calling-pi PI
node(rt-tab)[PI]#route default dest-interface IF-OUT NO-CNPN
node(rt-tab)[switch]#mapping-table calling-pi to calling-e164 NO-CNPN
node(map-tab)[NO-CNPN]#map restricted to “”
Screening Indicator Routing Table
The screening indicator (calling-si) table is used to route calls based on the screening indicator of the calling
party number. A network validates the calling party’s number and puts the validation result to the screening
indicator. This allows a network to transparently pass the calling party number set by the calling user, but tell
the called user whether or not the number selected by the calling party really belongs to him or her.
Note Incoming ISDN calls set the screening indicator according to the received
ISDN Setup message. Incoming H.323 calls only set the screening indicator
transparently when Octet3a handling is enabled. Other interfaces set the
screening indicator to user-not-screened.