PRI port configuration task list 199
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 16 • PRI port configuration
RBS protocol. Enter the RBS configuration mode for RBS specific configurations (see Chapter 20, “RBS
configuration” on page 225).
Mode: channel-group group-name
Entering HDLC Configuration Mode
The hdlc configuration mode can be entered either from the “port e1t1” configuration mode or from the
“channel-group” configuration mode. If you cannot enter the hdlc mode, it may be due to an invalid or incom-
plete configuration, and an error message will be issued. In “port e1t1” configuration mode, you only need to
set the encapsulation for ‘hdlc’ in order to enter the hdlc configuration mode. In “channel-group” configura-
tion mode the encapsulation must be set to ‘hdlc’ as well followed by configuring at least one timeslot per the
‘timeslots’ command.
Mode: port e1t1 <slot> <port>
Mode: channel-group <group>
Configuring HDLC CRC-Type
This command specifies the length of the checksum for calculating the CRC of the hdlc-frame. It can be either
a 16-bit or a 32-bit checksum.
Mode: hdlc
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (ch-grp)[group-name]#[no] encap-
sulation {hdlc | q921 | rbs}
Specifies the encapsulation type of the channel-
group. Default: no encapsulation
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]# hdlc Entering the hdlc configuration mode
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (ch-grp)[group-name]#hdlc Entering the hdlc configuration mode
Step Command Purpose
1 [name] (hdlc)#crc-type {crc16 | crc32} Selects the checksum-type to be used.
Default: crc16