Configuration file handling task list 86
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 6 • Configuration file handling
Example: Modifying the running configuration offline
The following example shows how to upload the running configuration from the SmartNode to the file cur-
rent-config on a TFTP server at IP address The uploaded configuration file is written into the
root directory specified by the TFTP server settings, and overwrites any existing file with the same name. Read
your TFTP server manual to get a thorough understanding of its behavior. After this, the configuration file is
available for offline editing on the TFTP server. Once the configuration file current-config has been modified, it
is downloaded from the TFTP server, at IP address, into the persistent memory region nvram:
using the name startup-config. It will become active after a reload.
node#copy running-config tftp://
At this point in time, the offline editing of the configuration file current-config on the TFTP server takes place.
node#copy tftp:// current-config nvram:startup-config
Press 'yes' to restart, 'no' to cancel : yes
The system is going down
Deleting a specified configuration
This procedure describes how to delete configuration files from the SmartNode flash memory region nvram:.
Mode: Administrator execution
Example: Deleting a specified configuration
The following example shows how to delete a specific configuration from among a set of three available config-
urations in Flash memory. The configuration named minimal is to be deleted, since it is no longer used.
1. Use the command
show nvram: to list all available configurations.
node#show nvram:
Persistent configurations:
2. Delete the configuration named minimal explicitly.
node#erase nvram:minimal
3. Enter again the command show nvram: to check if the selected configuration was deleted successfully
from the set of available configurations.
node#show nvram:
Persistent configurations:
Step Command Purpose
1 node#show nvram: Lists the loaded configurations
2 node#erase name Deletes the configuration name from the flash memory.