
Accessing the SmartWare CLI task list 58
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 4 • Accessing the CLI
Password encryption
Unencrypted passwords can be stolen by hackers using protocol analyzers to scan packets or by examining the
configuration file—to protect against that type of theft, SmartWare encrypts passwords by default. Encryption
prevents the password from being readable in the configuration file.
Plain text
Encrypted text (for example, the password mypassword always appears in encrypted form as
HUAvCYeILWZz3hQvS0IEpQ== encrypted when doing a
show command)
The command
show running-config always displays the passwords in encrypted format. To encrypt a pass-
word, enter the password in plain format and retrieve the encrypted format from the running-config or store it
permanently into the startup-config (with the command
copy running-config startup-config).
Factory preset administrator account
SmartWare contains a factory preset administrator account with the name administrator and an empty pass-
word. After adding a new administrator account, the factory preset administrator account is automatically
deleted and only the newly created administrator account is available. You can create more than one adminis-
trator account, but there has to be at least one administrator account defined. If, for some reason, the last
administrator account is deleted, the factory preset administrator account with the name administrator and an
empty password is automatically recreated.
Configuring operators and administrators
Creating an operator account
Operators do not have the privileges to run the
enable command and therefore cannot modify the system
configuration. Operators can view partial system information.
Creating a new operator account is described in the following procedure:
Mode: Operator execution
Example: Create an operator account
The following example shows how to add a new operator account with a login name support and a matching
password of s4DF&qw. The changed configuration is then saved.
node(cfg)#operator support password s4DF&qw
Step Command Purpose
1 node>enable Enters administration execution mode
2 node#configure Enters configuration mode
3 node(cfg)# operator name password password Creates a new operator account name and
password password
4 copy running-config startup-config Saves the change made to the running config-
uration of the SmartNode, so that it will be
used following a reload