ARRI 535B Digital Camera User Manual

4.2.1 Changing the Beam Splitter
Note: This is not necessary if a 80 : 20 beam splitter
is already installed.
Because of the high speed video optic (Academy
or Silent), it is no longer necessary to use a 50:50
beam splitter, as it was with other color video assists.
The IVS is designed to work with an 80:20
beam splitter.
Press the release key § and take the viewfinder
system off the camera.
Open the 7 mounting screws §.
Open the 3 mounting screws §.
The viewfinder top is connected with two cables
to the rest of the units.
Do not use force in separating the units.
Lift the top side of the viewfinder carefully off to get
access to the beam splitter and mounting ring assembly.
7 mounting screws
3 mounting screws