AutoDome Modular Camera System VG4 Firmware Updates via the CTFID | en 13
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Firmware Update Manual F.01U.097.269 | 1.06 | 2011.09
2 VG4 Firmware Updates via the CTFID
This chapter details the procedure to update the firmware files for a VG4 100, 200, or a 300
Series AutoDome® using the Configuration Tool for Imaging Devices (CTFID). The CTFID
connects a computer to an AutoDome using a BNC to USB (Bilinx) connection or via a serial
(RS232/RS485) connection.
Bilinx is a communication protocol that allows you to update the firmware for a VG4 Series
over the video cable (coaxial or passive UTP). For a Bilinx connection, the CTFID is connected
to an AutoDome using a BNC to USB converter (Bosch part VP-USB). For a serial connection,
the AutoDome is connected to a computer through the DB9 Com port.
The version of the CTFID software must be version 3.04 or higher to interface with an
AutoDome. (Visit for the latest version of the CTFID software). For
further references and details, refer to the CTFID online help, to the CTFIC User’s Manual and
to the AutoDome Modular Camera System Installation Manual.
The latest VG4 service pack is available on the Bosch Security Systems Web site. To download
the service pack from the Web, navigate to, click the CCTV link, then
click Cameras, PTZ and navigate to the product page for your AutoDome. Then click the
Software tab on the product page.
2.1 Upgrading the VG4 100 Series AutoDome
The upgrade process for a VG4 100 Series AutoDome differs from the process to upgrade a
VG4 200 or 300 Series AutoDome. The firmware update process for a VG4 100 Series
AutoDome requires you to upload one image (.img) file to the AutoDome.
The table below summarizes firmware releases for the VG4 100 Series AutoDome:
If you are upgrading a VG4 100 Series AutoDome refer to section Section 2.3 Hardware
Connections, on page 15, for instructions on connecting a VG4 100 Series AutoDome to the
CTIFD application.
NOTICE! Use this upgrade method with an AutoDome using a standard, non-IP
Communications Module installed. If your AutoDome is IP-enabled, refer to Section 1 VG4
Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network, on page 1.
Release Firmware Version Release Date
1.05 1.09 November 28, 2006
1.06 1.10 December 14, 2006
1.07 1.11 January 26, 2007
1.08 1.12 February 21, 2007
1.09 1.13 February 23, 2007