148 Appendices
List of Messages (continued)
Cannot magnify!: You attempted to magnify an image that was
photographed with another camera, recorded in a
different format, or edited on a computer.
Cannot rotate: You attempted to rotate an image that was
photographed with another camera, recorded in a
different format, or edited on a computer.
Unidentified Image You attempted to replay an image that was recorded
in a special format (proprietary format used by the
camera of another manufacturer, etc.).
Unidentified Sound Data Cannot attach sound annotation to the image
because the image has some sound file recorded in an
inappropriate format.
Protected!: You attempted to erase a protected image.
Too many marks: Too many images have been marked for printing or
for inclusion in a slide show. Cannot process any
Cannot mark image: You attempted to set the print settings for an non-
JPEG file.
Cannot complete!: Couldn’t save the print or slide show settings.
Cannot edit: Slide show settings file is corrupted