Canon S40 Digital Camera User Manual

156 Index
Landscape Mode ( ) 49
Language Settings 25, 138
LCD Monitor 30 - 33
Brightness 137
Light Metering
Center-Weighted Averaging 82
Evaluative 82
Spot AE Point (AF Point) 82
Spot AE Point (Center) 82
Macro Mode ( ) 57
Magnifying Images 93
Exposure (
) 70
Focus (
) 86
Setting Image Characteristics 87
Shooting Mode 70
List of Options 133
Play 136
Rec 133
Selecting Menus and Settings 38
Set up 39, 40
Messages 147
Movie (
Shooting 56
Replaying 96
My Camera
Menu 41, 139
Settings 41
Night Scene Mode ( ) 50
Overexposure Warning 33
Operation Sound 40 - 43, 140
PC Connection Mode 12, 28
Play 92
Portrait Mode (
) 49
Program AE (
) 65
Protect 103, 136
Print Settings 107
Selecting Images 107
Print Style 109
Resetting 111
Power On/Off 27 - 29
Power Save 28, 138
RAW File Format 64, 133
Recording File Format 64
Red-Eye Reduction Function 48
Index Replay 94
Jumping 95
LCD Monitor 92
Magnifying Images 93
Movies 96
Rotating 97
Single Image Replay 92
Slide Show 99
Switching from Shooting Mode 29
TV 142
Volume 137
Resolution 61
Resetting the settings to default 141
Rotate 97
Saturation 87
Self-Timer 58
Sound 41 - 43, 140
Sharpness 87
Shooting 27, 29, 44
Checking Images 46
Switching from Replaying Mode 29
TV Monitor 142
Shooting Mode 90
Dial 13
Functions Available 90
Sound 41 - 43, 139
Shutter Speed Priority AE (
) 66
Speed 65, 66, 68, 70
Volume 137
Shutter Button 34
Pressing Halfway 34
Pressing Fully 34
Single Image Replay 92
Slide Show 99, 136
Play Time 101
Repeat 101
Selecting Images 100
Starting 99
Slow Shutter 51
Soft Case 26
Sound Annotations 98
Speaker 10
Specifications 151 - 154
Spot Light Metering 82