Playing Back Stories from the Gallery
Playing Back Stories from the Gallery
You can play back recordings made using Story Creator to play them back as a single compelling
video story following the storyline order. Regular scenes and video snapshot scenes recorded without
using Story Creator, will appear in the gallery under the [Unsorted] or [Video Snapshot] stories. When
playing back stories from the gallery, you can choose to play back only scenes with a certain rating.
1 Open the gallery.
[b] [ Gallery]
2 Select the story you want to play back.
• Drag your finger right/left to bring the desired story to the front.
• To play back only scenes with a certain rating, proceed to step 3. If not, skip to step 5.
3 Open the [Play by Rating] screen.
[Story Details] [Play by Rating]
4 Touch the desired rating and touch [f] twice.
5 Touch the story’s thumbnail to start the playback.
• All applicable scenes will be played back from the first scene to the last. When playback ends, the
camcorder will return to the gallery.
• During the playback of a story other than [Unsorted] or [Video Snapshot], touch the screen and
then touch [ ] to display the scene's category during playback. Touch the control button again
to turn the story scene display off.
• Playback controls are the same as when playing back scenes from the date index screen
(0 86).
Operating modes:
ADrag your finger right or left to select a story.
BStory’s theme.
CSelected story (large thumbnail in the front).
DStory’s title (0 115).
EOpen the index selection screen (0 89).
FDetails about the story (number of scenes, total playback time) and editing options.
GList of scenes recorded in the selected story.