Faber M1400 Security Camera User Manual

72 Operational Reference Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera
Note 1: not displayed in CamExpert; not saved in a camera configuration file (CCF)
Feature Type BOOL
Feature Name Access Type Value
LUTEnable RW BOOL True/False
TriggerEnable RW BOOL True/False
TriggerSoftware RW BOOL True/False
FlatFieldEnable RW BOOL True/False
SaveCameraConfiguration WO BOOL True/False
LoadCameraConfiguration WO BOOL True/False
Feature Interdependence Diagrams
The following diagrams describe operational feature availability which are dependent on user selected modes. These
diagrams show what features are set to a value, and they show which feature parameters remain as user variables.
Each diagram uses the following symbol set to indicate the dependent action type.
Function Enabled
The event “Feature Info Changed” is sent. Other feature properties might have changed too.
Function Disabled
The event “Feature Info Changed” is sent. Other feature properties might have changed too.
Forced Value
The event “Feature Value Changed” is sent if the forced value is different from the previous value.
Set Max Value
The event “Feature Info Changed” is sent if the new value is different than the previous value.
gray box
User Action
Set Max Value
The event “Feature Value Changed” is sent if the new range causes the value to be not within the
valid range. The feature is usually set to the new maximum. When the maximum range increases,
the “Feature Value Changed” event is never set.